Basic Techniques of Reading Candlestick

Personally I assume the market is a battlefield between the seller and the buyer or so-called between the second pair of different currencies. as long as there are selling and buying in the world, as long as there is a market, mini market, exports and imports in the world market battle between the seller and the buyer will continue to happen, like hukum whoever is strong attraction he has won.

You must be confused reading candelstick above arrangement there is green there is also a red-and what it means.
But if you know how to read candlestick is that the candle is written proof that stores all transaction history data on market movements, he can tell about the market conditions at that time, just as serialize every day, we have to read the story written by the candle.

This is how to read candle D1 (one day).

1. Candle is a candle-owned green BUY on the market means that the battle was won by BUY

2. Red Candle is a candle-owned SELL, meaning market day battle was won by SELL

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