Forex is familiar today and liked the people, ranging from conglomerates, businesspeople, students etc . knows no age limit, rich, poor and time, all the same.FOREX TRADING IS A FORM OF INVESTMENT. in the era of trade and investment liberalization as it is today. forex investment no longer owned by large investors, but a chance for players with small or medium-sized capital.

Forex trading is a market that promise high profits for those who are able to play with smart and clever. with increasingly sophisticated technology, it is possible for anyone to go into the world of forex.

Forex transactions so liquid, so that forex trading is referred to as high-speed trading. transaction so quickly that not only allows a trader to benefit greatly, but also can make a trader lose their money in just a blink of an eye. whatever was done in the forex world should be based on well-established knowledge and level of emotion under control

This blog we created based on the true story of my journey in the forex world, starting from zero. This blog is different from the other blogs that contain an average of fiction or fantasy, what I say is reality, and the reality on the ground of my journey to pursue forex.

In this blog you will also find the inspiration of the spirit of life, never give up, trading techniques in accordance with the reality faced, I would use DAILY LANGUAGE. because Psikology trading can not escape from our everyday lives, trades teach life and daily life formed Psikology trading, so you have to understand two elements, namely the trading techniques and psychological life.
The language in this blog does not use formal language as the language of trading in general as bullish or bearish, but changed to go up or down.

I hope this blog helpful.

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